Monday, April 7, 2014


Soooo many negative people around me sampai rase serabut n lack of confidence. Dah la tak ramai kawan, ade kawan pon mcm tak berkualiti jer. Ke aku yg tak berkualiti? Haha. 

Selalu je terpikir, kenapa orang view myself negatively? Is it because of my outspoken-tak-sayang-mulut? Atau sombong? Or simply because orang tak suka kite berterus terang? I'm tired of keeping myself motivated with something like 'they dont know me so they judge easily' n so n so. 

For a self-motivated person like me, ignorance is bliss. Tapi, kene berpada lah kot. Ni asek semua nak ignore, kejadah ape kan, baik duduk utan kawan ngn rimau (nasihat utk diri sendiri). So bile dah kurangkan level of ignorance tu, inilah yang jadik. Demotivated. Low confidence. What to do haih..

Emm penah tak after a few years waiting for your dreams to become true, tapi tunggu punyelah tunggu mcm same jer hasilnye, then kite akan rase gave up and as a result, impian tu buat kite rase takde value dah, so we stop dreaming because they become worthless. 

So sekarang mari bangkit dari mimpi and be realistic! Anddd diam je bile orang kata apa-apa. Mebi it works out right. ;) 

Btw bela babi dlm game boleh ke tak? Haha 

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